
The majority of Guild members are studying Bioproducts Engineering, Biomass Refining, Fibre and Polymer Engineering or Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability, which are Master’s level majors in the School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM), or in the Bachelor’s Program in Chemical Engineering.  You are of course warmly welcomed to join even if you do not study in any of them!

More information about the majors is found on the Aalto Student Guide.

PJK Student committee

The mission of the student committee is to develop teaching and student counselling of the School of Chemical Engineering. The committee makes propositions and initiatives to the personnel of CHEM. The chairman of the committee is a member of the Board (usually Study Master), or a member of the guild elected for the position. The members of the committee are Guild members that represent Master’s majors (Bioproducts Engineering; Biomass Refining; Fibre and Polymer Engineering; Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability) and bachelor studies.

Useful links and more information

Aalto University

Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering
