PJK Pre-Christmas Party

Come to Rantasauna on 17.12. for a night of Christmas partying, sauna, hot tub, and most importantly OPEN BAR! For any PJK member there will be an (almost) endless supply of free food and alcohol and fun throughout the evening. The new guild board will provide some special entertainment for you, so be sure not to miss it!

The guild towels will be there if you want to sauna or go into the hot tub. You can also bring a 5€ gift which will be randomly exchanged with other gift givers if you wish.

Sign-up will be opened on at https://www.puunjalostajakilta.fi/ilmomasiina_pjk/signup/248 on Mon 4.12. at 12pm. The price is 20 €, alcohol free 15 €.

WHAT: PJK Pre-Christmas Party
WHERE: Rantasauna
WHO: Every and all PJK members!
WHEN: Sun 18.12.
WHY: Because open-bar, hot tub and fun!